Monday, October 19, 2020

Club Nights on Tuesdays and Thursdays, plus new Club Sessions available.

In previous years we have always allocated all 5 courts for club nights. However, as the club nights have very rarely used all the courts we took the decision to only allocate Courts 1 and 2 for club session players and Court 3 for Tom's Club Session Coaching. Leaving other courts 4 and 5 for coaching and private booking.

....But, Good news! We have recently had an increase in members attending club nights on Tuesday and Thursday, (bad news) causing playing delay due to court availability.

Therefore, we are changing the bookings for these nights to have Courts 1,2, and 3 for club session mix in doubles. Tom will move his Club Session Coaching to Court 4. Court 5 will be available for ad hoc coaching or members private booking.

As the evening light is disappearing fast and will soon disappear altogether I have allocated the evening club session courts from 4pm till dark. We do have Club Session WhatsApp groups for people to communicate to arrange early meet ups for Club Sessions.

In view of the reduced light for club sessions we are going to experiment with additional Club Sessions running on Tuesday and Thursdays on Courts 1 and 2 at 12 noon to 2pm. These courts are now booked out starting from 3rd November for those Club Sessions. Please use the current WhatsApp groups to communicate if you are attending and are looking for others to play against.

As you know, we do have planning permission in play for flood lights on Courts 1 and 2 to allow Club Sessions through the dark part of the year. Unfortunately, we have hit a delay in the decision and are working hard to get provide information to enable a successful decision as soon as possible.

Sunday Club session will still have all 5 courts booked.

We will constantly review court usage to optimise use of courts for everyone.

If you are wondering what Tom's Club Session Coaching is then I can tell you it is for members who would like to be involved in Club Sessions but would like some coaching first to build confidence prior to joining the normal Club Sessions. These are proving popular and I feel are a vital part of club sessions to help bring more people into the Mix In Club Sessions.

All feedback is welcome.

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting 19 Oct 2020


Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting


19 Oct 2020


Henley Tennis Club


Colin Main, Chair

Katy Bayly, Secretary,

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Jo Saunders, Welfare Officer

Jeremy Wright, Match Secretary;

Claire Smith, Health and Safety Officer,

Tom Scott, (Head Coach


Allen Levy, Mike Pugsley, Treasurer;






CM Updated committee re:details of a meeting with Graham Keen, our LTA Representative). Also in attendance was TS.

·       Our loan application for lights will be looked at and very likely signed off after we have had the lights installed

·       GK advised that the smallest loan available is £25,000.

·       GK is liaising with TS regularly to aid with coach courses and helping with additional coach programmes.

·       GK will give a breakdown of our membership to see which LTA membership classification we fall into.

·       We asked if the LTA could help with our floodlight planning application. GK advised he would put us in touch with an expert application professional.




CM tabled a motion to allow the Henley Charity NOMAD have 10 free hours of court space for people they are helping.

Proposed: CM

Seconded: JW


CM to confirm to Jaco of Nomad




CM updated the committee re: meeting with college on site to get agreement for where the floodlight poles will be placed.

  Present Ashok Patel  Finance Director

   Jim McCaffrey Head of Grounds

   John Tamplin

   Colin Main

The meeting was very positive. Agreement was reached on pole placement. Also, the lease was discussed and thoughts on the use of the fields going forward.. The new version of our lease with Henley College has been held up due to COVID and some misunderstandings. However, we are working our way through these and I hope for good new. The new version of the lease will enable us to invest further in the club with the security of a buy back clause that will compensate us adequately should it be invoked in the next 11 year's. The word from the college is that we should not worry about a buyback as the college are now pursuing use of the fields for sports. Contracts have been signed with rugby and football clubs and also with the England Ladies U20 rugby to use the fields

CM and AP to further discus lease approval




CM tabled a motion to employ Lee West, a floodlight planning consultant, to help get our application through.

   Proposed: CM

   Seconded: TS


CM to get AL approval.




GK had proposed we should have a sinking fund. JT advised that it wasn’t required as all our funds were the sinking funds. JW agreed.




Members have requested that Courts 1 and 2 be jet washed. JT to arrange




Use of the new defibrillator was discussed.


We said it would be a good idea to have a members training session, either on site or via a zoom call. The session would be videoed and put on the web site.It was also suggested a simple bullet point list should be put on each court to help people know what to do should an emergency happen.


CS to arrange date of meeting and prepare bullet point list.


CM to video event and put up bullet point lists.




CS advised that we still needed to do a club risk assessment. CS requested consultation from CM


CS and CM to prepare drafts and finals of Club Risk Assessment and get TS to do a Risk Assessment from a  coach perspective.





CS advised that we needed to add some routine checks for the defibrillator to our Annual Club check list. E.g. Lubricant of the machine, pad replacement.


CS to add to list.



CM advised he had spoken to the council re: finding a plot of land for the future of the tennis club. CM had identified a piece of land adjacent to the Henley Hockey fields. Unfortunately, the council were unable to find out who owned the land.


CM to ask AL if he could help identify the owner.


Also, a lady from Henley was giving away land adjacent to Watermans Allotments, to the council for affordable housing. Initial indications are the lad is too difficult tio build on due to flooding. CM to investigate if the lady would donate for tennis courts.






Sunday, October 11, 2020

Club, Team, Club Session News

We hope you have enjoyed the lovely weather over the weekend!

The Ladies played their first fixture on Saturday. Some great play especially in the strong winds, unfortunately just coming up short of a win. 

A gentle reminder to shut and lock gates when you leave the courts. On Sunday morning broken glass was spread over court 4 as the side gates had been left open.

Tuesday and Thursday Club nights are now starting at 5pm. 

Coaching News


Our October Half Term Camp (26th-30th October) has been hugely popular with the 4-6 years running from 9am-10am now FULLY BOOKED and only 3 places remaining on the 7+ years 10:30am-1:30pm session.
(More sessions can be created if there is a demand for it)

Private lessons are available for both Adults and Children!

To enquire or to make a booking please email

Childs full name:
Childs date of birth:
Childs age:

Session number (1 or 2):
Number of days:

Emergency contact name & number:
Additional information (ie. allergies, medication etc)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Court Etiquette

Court Intrusion.
I appreciate that it might be frustrating when someone walks through a court that you are playing on but there is no reason to be rude and aggressive. I have had a complaint! Please restrain yourself and ask kindly and politely, "Would you mind waiting till we finish our point please" For those of you wanting to walk through, please wait for a break in play and ask if you can go through.

Safely returning balls to serving side
There have been many times when I have been on court on the serving side of the net when our opposition have decided to return balls. So kind! However, sometimes this occurs safely but there have been too many times when the returned balls have wizzed past my head or hit me in the back. I really don't want to have any more eye injuries and I am sure you wouldn't either. I suggest you do the following, that is to collect the ball like a ball boy/girl and hold the ball up so that it can be seen by the server, just like a ball boy/girl. The server can then indicate if they want the ball or not. Thus avoiding any surprises and injuries. After all you don't see ball boy/girls just lobbing the balls at Federer when he isn't looking. Amusing as that might be.

Many thanks,


Monday, October 5, 2020

Dates of Matches that clash with Sunday Club session.

Please note that on these Sundays the club teams will have matches from 10am onwards and will use courts ! and 2. 

Club session will still go ahead on courts 3,4,and 5.

Sun 04/10/2020

Sun 25/10/2020

Sun 15/11/2020

Sun 06/12/2020

Sun 10/01/2021

Sun 31/01/2021

Sun 28/02/2021

Bunch of keys found at the club with yellow name tag

A set of keys has been found at the club. If these are yours then please get in touch, Col, 07972272168. The keys have a name tag. Identify the name on the tag and I can arrange return. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

October Half Term 2020 - BOOKING OPEN!

I trust you are well.
We are pleased to announce that we are now taking bookings for October Half Term. Places are limited for the week and it is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.
Where is it?
Henley Tennis Club, Tilebarn Close, Henley on Thames, RG9 1US
When is it?
Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October
Who is it for?
4yrs to 6yrs (session 1) - All abilities welcome
7yrs + (session 2) - All abilities welcome 
What time is it?
Session 1 - 9am to 10am
Session 2 - 10:30am to 1:30pm
How many children are in each class:
Session 1 Max 8
Session 2 Max 12
How much does it cost for members?
Session 1 - £10 per day or £40 for 5 days
Session 2 - £30 per day or £105 for 5 days
Do you take bookings for non members?
Session 1 - £15 per day or £65 for 5 days
Session 2 - £40 per day or £150 for 5 days
How do I book? via email & must include the following:
Childs full name:
Childs date of birth:
Childs age:
Session number (1 or 2):
Number of days:
Emergency contact number:
Additional information (ie. allergies, medication etc)

We look forward to seeing you on the court.
Best wishes
Tom Scott
Head Coach - Henley Tennis Club
Mobile - 07795562292
Email -

COVID-19 statement
All measure have been put in place to ensure the safe running of the sessions. Therefore, we kindly ask in light of Covid-19 if you or member of your household are showing signs or symptoms a; before please notify us and follow the GOV advice of isolating b; during or after please notify us immediately so we are able to inform other participants and follow GOV advice of isolating.

AGM 2023 Agenda

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Agenda 2023 Date: 28 June 2023, 7pm Venue: Henley Tennis Club Committee Attendees: Colin Main, Chairman,  Dav...