Thursday, November 25, 2021

Health and Safety - Tennis Injuries

 Unfortunately I have been informed of a few injuries that have happened at the club recently.

There has been a fall on Court 1 and a few people have picked up some muscle pulls.

I think this might be a good time to post some helpful guidance to try and stay as safe as we can.

Courts 1 and 2 are planned to be resurfaced as they are nearing the end of their best playing days. The club believe that the courts are still playable. However, we would strongly advise that before you use the courts that you do check them yourself before play to deem them safe for your tennis. If you feel that there are problems then please do not play on them and report the issues to the Health and Safety Officer, Claire Smith, and the Committee.

We are coming to the time of year where the courts may be slippery due to weather conditions. Please do make sure that under these conditions you assess them for yourself and decide if they are playable for your tennis.

Muscle pulls can be more frequent this time of year as it's colder and some peoples muscles need to be warmed up before any play. To be on the safe side we would suggest everyone spend a couple of minutes, prior to play, doing some easy warm up routines. To help, I have found this video on you tube, Warm Up Routine.

Remember, check the courts and warm up. Decide on safety and play at your own risk.

If you do have an injury at the club then ideally you should record the injury in the Injury Record Book immediately, which can be found in the club house cupboard with the First Aid Kit.

If you do not report the incident in the book then you can donwload a form from our web site. Please fill out and send to Claire, Health and Safety.

Please report all incidents to Claire, Health and Safety.

I wish you all safe tennis.



Coaching New - Drop and Shop Xmas Courses

 ...more info below the poster.

We hope you are well!

With Christmas fast approaching Tom will be running a Drop & Shop Christmas Holiday Camp for the Juniors.  Running from Monday 20th December through to Thursday 23rd December. 

Drop your Child(ren) off whilst you can complete your Christmas shopping (or start it).

Bookings can be made online via My Sports Pro 

The 4 days still focus on developing various areas of play using various skills, tactics and techniques, building towards the final 'game day!'

Provided will be Hot Chocolate, Cookies, Prizes and fun with the snow machine!

You can book online however if you have any questions contact Tom 07795562292

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Minutes 2021

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM 2021


16 November 2021


The Bird in Hand


Katy Bayly, Secretary

Allen Levy, Social Secretary

Colin Main, Chair 

Mike Pugsley, Treasurer

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Jeremy Wright, Team Captain

Jo Saunders, Welfare Officer

Claire Smith, Health and Safety Officer



AGM Agenda

  1. Apologies for Absence 

  2. Approval of 2020 Minutes of A.G.M. held on Previous Year

  3. Chairman's Report

  4. Secretary’s Report

  5. Treasurer’s Report 

  6. Appointment of Auditor

  7. Constitution changes 

  8. Election of Office Bearers

  1. Chairman

  2. Secretary

  3. Treasurer

  4. Committee Members

  5. Trusteees

  1. A.O.C.B

  1. Maintenance

  2. Coaching

  3. Health and Safety

  4. Team Updates

  5. AOB (Members questions(

  1. Closure

Apologies for Absence 

Approval of 2020 Minutes of A.G.M. held on Previous Year

Proposed: J Tamplin

Seconded: T Scott

Chairman’s report

Good evening and thank you to all who are attending.

This is the Chairman’s Report for 2021.

Last year's AGM was supposed to be in the first week of December, 2020. However, we decided to postpone it as it was difficult to arrange due to COVID. Unfortunately, that AGM never occurred. However, we did issue the AGM statements for 2020. If you have not seen them then you can find them via the club blog.

Overall, this has been a quiet active year on deliveries.

We eventually got planning permission for floodlights. This project has been on-going for at least 8 years. special thanks to John Tamplin, Allen Levy and our consultant Lee West. 

We have successfully renegotiated the lease with the college to increase the buy back from £40,000 with decreases  to £67,000 with no decreases. This project has been ongoing for 4 years and finally signed off 2 weeks ago. Special thanks for the support from John Tamplin.

To secure the new lease we have had to release the college from any financial maintenance obligations. The old lease stated they would have to contribute 50 % of any maintenance costs. However, this was becoming a contentious issue as the college questioned what were maintenance costs and what were improvements. This will no longer be an issue as we will fund all tennis club costs. This is not a problem as we are well funded and the college does not ask for any rent.

The lease still expires in March 2033. 

The college seems more favourable to keeping the fields as sports so I am relatively confident that we will be at this venue until the end of the lease, i.e. no buy back envisaged.

However, as we really only have about 10 years left of the current lease. This means that in 5 years time will need to start discussions on extensions and start preparations for a fall back plan in the event the college will not give a new lease.

We have successfully come out of lock down and have increased our membership to approx 470 members.

Amazingly the tennis club has been quite successful in attracting new members this last year. A special thanks to Tom Scott, Head Coach, for his work in prompting the club and improving the coaching program.

The club finances are very good at the moment but will take a hit on the flood light installation and resurfacing during December of this year 2021. This will need approximately £80,000 which will leave us a little short. We have secured a 10 year interest free loan from the LTA to get us over the line.

The finances will be back in a nice healthy state come April when we get renewals.

I have computed a 10 year plan of incoming and outgoings that show we will be tight on finances over the next 3 years but then start to improve rapidly.

I will share this plan on the blog for comments. It contains some speculative member increases and speculative club maintenance improvements.

Fees will be going up in 2022, and rising year on year. The increases are going to be small and will not affect Family Memberships too much. Fees to be announced shortly.

We will continue to be the most affordable tennis club in the area and will continue to offer the most affordable Family Membership.

I would like to thank all the Committee for their support over the past year. We have so much more to look forward to in 2022. Floodlights and 2 new resurfaced courts.two courts, Courts 1 and 2.

I would like to announce that the Club and LTA are supporting Levi McAndrew Brown in his efforts to become an LTA  qualified coach to Level 2, by covering all costs. 

I would like to thank the following people who help run our club –

  1. All of the committee for their work and attendance at meetings

  2. Thanks to the team Captains for looking after our competitive sides, Jeremy Wright, Jess Craig, Natalie Wakefield, Robert Dickie, Levi McAndew Brown.

  3. Thanks to our new Head Coach who ran this year's Club Championship has increased the number of members having coaching, increased the number of courses on offer, offering free coaching and charity fund donation, as well working with the committee behind the scenes on various projects and initiatives. Also, thanks to Tom’s wife, Jess for her help at the club championships finals day, where there was a fantastic selection of food and drinks on offer.

I apologise if I have missed anyone.

As usual we are open to having more people active on the committee and very open to any feedback or new ideas and proposals. 

Please do get in touch.

That concludes the end of year report.

Thank you all.

Secretary’s Report

None submitted.

Finances – Mike Pugsley

These are the Club Accounts for 2021, click here

Approval of Accounts:

Proposed: J Tamplin

Seconded: T Scott

Appointment of Auditor

We have 2 volunteers and are awaiting sign off.

Constitution changes 

None proposed.

Re:Election of Office Bearers and Committee

  1. Chairman – Colin Main

  2. Secretary – Katy Bayly

  3. Treasurer – Mike Pugsley

  4. Claire Smith - Health and Safety

  5. John Tamplin - Maintenance

  6. Jeremy Wright - Team Captain

  7. Jo Saunders - Welfare Officer

  8. Allen Levy - Social Officer

Proposed: K Bayly

Seconded: J Wright

Proposal of new Trustees:

John Tamplin

Colin Main



9.1  Maintenance – John Tamplin

No report


9.2  Coaching– Tom Scott

Head Coach – Henley Tennis Club

Director – My Sports Pro

Firstly, I wish to thank the committee and all the members at the Club everything which has been achieve has been a collective effort from Chairman Colin for his continued efforts with the Floodlight project as well as The clubs new Lease with Henley College.  The committee members have also been a huge support either through recommendations and supporting Colin.   The members have been immensely generous with the Hit4Henley fundraiser I know Nomad Project are incredible grateful and I have already seen first hand the impact it has made.

In short, the main highlights are:

·       Junior group program grown from 36 to 98 active players.  This excludes the Holiday Camps.  The Members have helped substantially via Social Media platform recommendations.

·       Hit4Henley Charity fundraiser is now over £3,000 including gift aid

·       Monday Team Night has grown and continues to be successful – a great idea from Club Captain Jeremy

·       Lockdown 2 Online lessons – Helping to raise over £2000 for Red Day.

·       5 Junior County squad members – 2 have represented for competition.

·       LTA Youth Schools program has now been delivered at 2 schools – Badgemore and Trinity.

·       LTA Tennis Leaders success

·       Welcome to Levi to the team who is taking his Coaching Level 1

Adult Program

2020 active group coaching numbers - 36

Current active group coaching numbers - 38

Monday Team Night

Men’s Team nights have been very successful with an average of 6-8 players per week.  With its popularity we have now taken the session to Cressex allowing 3 or 4 players each week to train through the winter.  The standard of play has improved significantly, and I believe this has attracted more players to join the club. 

Club Night Classes

The two evening classes on a Tuesday and Thursday have seen a reduction in the attendance. Reasons could be that previous attendees are now at a standard where they can now comfortably play in the club night sessions and the impact of not having evening light. Once floodlights are installed Evening classes will have to move to another day in the week and perhaps at a later time in the evening.

The Ladies Team have now set up their own team practice on a Sunday morning previously the Sunday club morning session.  We are already seeing some improvements with the Ladies results.  Tom, Natalie and Jessica are determined to get regular ladies team for fixtures as notoriously they have struggled.

Mid-week morning classes

Thursday morning classes have been a real hit with the lady members with numbers growing from 3 in March to now averaging 6-8 weekly.  Unfortunately, we have lost 2 players to injury. There are other sessions on Wednesday and Saturday morning which are not advertised however these have also been well attended.  All three sessions accommodate a total of 20 female players the majority of whom performed well in the club championships.


Once our lights are installed in 2022, I would hope more Team players will join Monday team sessions and become the focal point for our team selection.  I believe with help with Team captain Jeremy we can create a platform to build and more importantly maintain team attendance.  We will look to have effectively two sessions one earlier for B/C team players including those who may represent teams once or twice and a later session for the A team players.

I also hope that the Ladies team training on a Sunday morning can become a focal point as we look to build a foundation for the Ladies Team.

Introduce a new adult evening session for beginners/improvers as well as the Cardio Tennis session which is yet to be launched.


2020 active group coaching numbers - 36

Current active group coaching numbers (excluding holiday camps)- 98

Development groups

2021 started positively with many recommendations coming via Social Media.  Unfortunately, Lockdown 2.0 hit from 4th January through to 29th March. 

Momentum was maintained through Tennis at home lessons, delivered Live via social media.  The sessions had a good attendance for a small community club.  Tom joined up with 14 other National Coaches with a reach of over 1500 schools.  Based on the success of the sessions Tom was selected to be one of the headline coaches for the Rose Nose Day Challenge which raised over £2000.

Coming out of lockdown group numbers have continue to rise and we are now in a growth phase of development.

Where groups weren’t so well attended in 2020, such as the Saturday Red, numbers have risen significantly.

In May, Tennis Oxfordshire held a Junior county selection or ‘Festival’. We put 5 children forward from HTC all of whom made county training squads.  Of those, 2 made final selection to represent Tennis Oxfordshire for County Cup.  The 5 continue to train in the County Squads.

Henley College have now re-opened for public hire therefore, I have now taken the Junior program (Red and Orange Groups only) to one of the indoor facilities.  This is until our floodlights are installed.

Holiday Camps

Holiday camps have slowly been improving and have become a fun week for the children with new and imaginative ideas with delivery.  Although February half term was in Lockdown Tom delivered Live Tennis at Home lessons using household objects such as a frying pan and rolled up socks.  On completion the sessions amassed a view rate of over 700 views.  Coming out of Lockdown we headed straight into Easter Holiday Camps which sore approximately 25-30 children per day.  Tom enlisted the help of fellow level 4 coach Simon, as well as two assistant coaches to ensure the quality was sustained.  June half term continued to sustain high numbers.  The summer holiday camps consisted of 7 weeks of 4 day camps with and average of 18 children per day.  The content of the camps have now become a revelation with the use of water balloons for serve and volleys attracting good numbers. October half term was another successful camp with 12 children per day over the 4 days.  We now look to the Christmas Camps which will run from the 20th-23rd December. Ideas are currently being developed however there will most certainly be a Christmas Theme


Following the LTA Youth training in 2020 during the summer term Tom was able to offer 10 hours of free coaching over a 5 week period to Badgemore Primary School and Trinity Primary School.  This was very successful as I now look to continue to develop the new relationships with these schools. 

I will be looking to add Valley Road and Sacred Heart this Summer 2021 ending with a Schools Festival held at the club. Date TBC

Junior Teams

In October we entered 9 Junior teams in the Oxfordshire National Winter League.  Some matches have been postponed.  However, of those which have been played our 9U team is currently undefeated.

In the new year I look to set up an invitation only Wednesday Night Junior Team session for our more experienced players including county selected children.  


Hit4Henley was set up in January prior to the second long lockdown.  Since coming out of lockdown there have been 89 participants who have generously donated £2585 (£3028 with gift aid) for Nomad Project Henley.  After visiting Nomad last month (October) I will be looking to continue the initiative by offering 1-2-1 lessons however this will be via the Nomad Project helping families who need it most.

Coach Development

Firstly, we said goodbye to Louise a month ago.  She has been a valued asset over the years.  Louise decided to move to Caversham LTC as it was closer to home and could offer more coaching hours.  We are looking to acquire a new coach in the spring however in the meantime, a popular member Levi has started his Level 1 under the mentorship of Tom.  Tom also ran the LTA Tennis Leaders course which saw 6 young players put through a 5 day course which focused on their understanding of variations of the game across different age groups and abilities, structure of physical Activity, key skills for on court drills and on court safety and delivery.  We have been using two of the participants regularly

As part of the LTA License Tom continues to gain credits for his yearly Accreditation.

Due to the hours on court Tom has convinced wife Jess to come on board and she will be managing day to day diary, competitions and events at the club.  


9.3 Health and Safety

New specific role: Claire Smith

The following actions have been taken to make our club safe and healthy.

  • Installation of a defibrillator

  • Checked and Restocked First Aid kit

  • Reviewed Health and Safety process, e.g. Health and Safety Club Check, Health and Safety Coach Club view point, reporting of member injuries at club.


9.4  Teams – Jeremy Wright – Team Captain

No report.

13. AOB (Members questions

14. Closure

Thank you all for coming.

We look forward to another successful year. 

AGM 2023 Agenda

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Agenda 2023 Date: 28 June 2023, 7pm Venue: Henley Tennis Club Committee Attendees: Colin Main, Chairman,  Dav...