Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting 22 Jul 2020


Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting


22 July 2020


Henley Tennis Club


Allen Levy, Social Secretary

Colin Main, Chair

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Jo Saunders, Welfare Officer

Jeremy Wright, Match Secretary;

Mike Pugsley, Treasurer;


Claire Smith, Membership Secretary ,Katy Bayly, Secretary





New Head Coach

·       CM read an apology and explanation to the committee on the reason for the approach taken to secure a new Head Coach and the haste required to secure the appointment.

·       CM informed the committee that he would abstain from all coach related voting.

·       CM tabled 2 questions.


Q1: Does the committee want to vote now on the appointment of Tom Scott as Head Coach or defer for more candidates to be vetted.


If the answer to Q1 is a Yes by the committee then proceed with question 2. Otherwise Q2 becomes invalid and we take time to look for other candidates.


Q2: Do we are, as a Committee, vote to have Tom Scott as the new Head Coach.


The committee voted unanimously Yes on Q1.

The committee voted unanimously Yes on Q2.


Jo Saunders voted for KB and CS by proxy.


AL asked for references to be followed up prior to announcement. CM to follow up.


JW asked that Louise Kilshaw, club Coach, be protected from any coach changes at the club. CM to secure assurance from TS.





























·       AL confirmed that Planning Application had been submitted.

·       AL informed that he had not yet arranged a bat report but would do so at the earliest opportunity.

·       Additional though by CM.  Committee to decide at next meeting if we also do a separate planning application for lights on courts, 3, 4, 5 and a cover for court 3.







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