Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting


27 JUL 2021


Bird in Hand


Katy Bayly, Secretary

Colin Main, Chair 

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Mike Pugsley, Treasurer

Tom Scott, Head Coach

Jeremy Wright, Match Secretary

Allen Levy


Claire Smith, Membership Secretary; Jo Saunders, Welfare Officer


Current membership: 420


Planning permission signed off

Grant from LTA being researched. Financial information required; business case required

Dates TBC

Resurfacing courts 1&2

To be done at the same time as the lights being installed.

Quotes has been requested 

Alternative surface options considered and ruled out as clay/synthetic clay is not appropriate due to locations/trees.

May not have time to paint

Dates TBC

Head Coach

Committee have provided written confirmation to Tom Scott that he has the position until 2026

Club House

Window fixed

Decision made to put up a wooden board with lifetime members in the club house. CM.KB to investigate 

New notice board to be purchased. 



Court Maintenance

Fences on Courts 1&2 will be replaced when courts are resurfaced

Club sessions

Committee agreed to start club sessions from Sunday 19th as now permitted by LTA

Club Championships 



Fees collected 


Waiting for meeting with all parties for agreement  

First aid kit audit

Audit complete

Balls for club sessions

Decision made that club will provide balls for club sessions. 

Ball machine

Has been purchased for use of all Members. Needs to be booked with a court. Must have been trained prior to booking. Peak times can only use for 30 mins. 

Committee agreed that as part of Inclusion and Diversity, the Club will support funding for Levi to be trained as level 1 and 2 coach. LTA have agreed to pay 50%.

Two junior club members have represented Oxfordshire in U8s.

AGM and social event: 30th August

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AGM 2023 Agenda

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Agenda 2023 Date: 28 June 2023, 7pm Venue: Henley Tennis Club Committee Attendees: Colin Main, Chairman,  Dav...