Monday, July 31, 2023

New Ball Machine Booking Process.

 We are offering a booking system for the clubs ball machine, via court bookings.


When you book the ball machine you will also need to book a court to use it on. 


The machine must not be used on the practice court.


The machine can only be booked by adults, 18+ years.


This is an expensive item and can only be booked out by members who have completed a course given by our Head Coach Tom Scott, a small fee will be required.


You can also watch a training video at


There are lots of videos on youtube to help you with slinger tennis drills.


When you book out the ball machine you will be given the information as to how to unlock the machine. It will be your responsibility to make sure that it is locked after you have finished with it.


The machine can be dangerous if not used correctly and with care. It will be the bookers responsibility to ensure that they use the machine as directed following all safety advice. The booker uses the machine at their own risk.


If you would like to use the ball machine then please contact Tom Scott, via . to arrange your course, before you book the ball machine for the first time.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

HTC Committee Minutes - March 2023

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting
Date: 21/3/2023
Venue: Bird in Hand
Attendees: Colin Main (CM)
John Tamplin (JT)
Tom Scott (TS)
Daniel Barr (DB)
Jeremy Wright
Julian Evans
Mike Pugsley
Apologies Alan Levy, Fred Clifford (FC),
Time: Started 8pm - Meeting ended 9:50pm
Club House, doors, tables, chairs
  • New club house doors were discussed, and all agreed to proceed. JT to follow up.
  • As the new doors will be accessed via a key, we need a new easy to open lock box for the key. JT to follow up.
  • John T advised that to have the gates lockable on courts 3,4,5 we will need a welder to close the gap between the gate and the frame. JT/JE to follow up.
  • All agreed to proceed with purchase of new smaller table for the club house. Tables to only be purchased after doors are fitted. We will use the existing club house chairs for the time being TS to source.
  • Potentially get rid of table that site next to toilet JT/TS to follow up.
  • Dan B suggested a float in club house. Snacks for purchase in club house. Honesty basket for money. All to review.
Rotting court bench
It has been reported that we have a rotting bench on court 2.
All agreed to look at replacing with plastic replacement.
Agreed to move rotting bench to outside court 2
JT/TS to follow up.
Coffee machine
Dan gave an update on costs, and proposed that we buy our own based on cost.
Pays for itself in 3 years, £1200 buy, replenish supplies every 3 months.
Buy a card reader at £80.
10 cups will pay for itself in 2 years, profit year 3.
All agreed to purchase.
Use club house cups to start with
Free drinks for matches
Test card reader first.
All agreed.
DB to follow up.
Date still to be advised for Play Your Way to Wimbledon
Club House Stock Purchases
TS advised that a discussion was in place to have a shop for Alan (Henley Sports) at Club House, sale of Balls, dampeners, grips, etc.
TS to follow up.
  • Dan B and Col M to cover off membership invites for the new year, DB and JE to discuss message out to members advising the membership fees will go up at the end of May for any renewals at that time.
  • Dan B suggested to survey 8 questions, why do people leave? Action this 1 months after renewal. DB to follow up.
Club Keys
It was agreed that we need to full new batches.
One as a backup and one to be held by John T.
The back-up could be held by local resident.
JT to follow up.
Club Accounts
Mike advised new version due to 2022/2023 figures not in correct boxes. John T to send excel version to me, new version to be posted on to the club blog. JT / CM to follow up.
Communication Task
  • Membership
  • Court schedule for summer, Thursday still to go ahead. From Thursday 4th April, 2 courts 1 & 2 initially.
  • Julian asked for terminology clarification, Womens or Ladies
  • JE/TS to confirm.
5 teams in the summer, 2 oxon men, 2 berks men, 1 ladies berks
Dominic will captain extra team.
Winter league came 4th Div 1.
Winter Oxon Div 5 promoted.
Club Nights
Thursday still to go ahead. From Thursday 4th April, 2 courts 1 & 2 initially.
Col M to send the message he drafted to Julian for communicating to the membership on how club sessions work.
CM to follow up.
Amazon prime tennis initiative
Tom selected to run program, funded by Amazon.
Seb Sheldon selected for County Cup.
Funding from Tennis Oxfordshire deliver schools festival coaching and Finals Day.
Special note:
Col M suggested that we need to publish all info and questions before the meeting so that we can proceed through the meeting fasted to stick to a one-hour meeting.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

NEW Summer Holiday Junior Camps

With the Summer Holidays not so far away Head Coach Tom will be running Camps which have been adapted to suit all age groups.

The new improved bookings allows parents to book into specific age groups 

  • 4-6, 
  • 7-9, 
  • 10-12 and 
  • 13+ 
We hope that this will give parents confidence to know that their child will be with children of the same/similar age.

Junior members also get discounted sessions compared to non-members.

For more information view the flyer attached or contact Tom directly on 07795562292 or email

To book visit

We look forward to seeing you.

For more information, download the 2023 SUMMER TENNIS CAMPS Dates & Times flyer

AGM 2023 Agenda

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Agenda 2023 Date: 28 June 2023, 7pm Venue: Henley Tennis Club Committee Attendees: Colin Main, Chairman,  Dav...