Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting | |
Date: | 21/3/2023 |
Venue: | Bird in Hand |
Attendees: | Colin Main (CM) John Tamplin (JT) Tom Scott (TS) Daniel Barr (DB) Jeremy Wright Julian Evans Mike Pugsley |
Apologies | Alan Levy, Fred Clifford (FC), |
Time: | Started 8pm - Meeting ended 9:50pm |
Club House, doors, tables, chairs
Rotting court bench It has been reported that we have a rotting bench on court 2. All agreed to look at replacing with plastic replacement. Agreed to move rotting bench to outside court 2 JT/TS to follow up. |
Coffee machine Dan gave an update on costs, and proposed that we buy our own based on cost. Pays for itself in 3 years, £1200 buy, replenish supplies every 3 months. Buy a card reader at £80. 10 cups will pay for itself in 2 years, profit year 3. All agreed to purchase. Use club house cups to start with Free drinks for matches Test card reader first. All agreed. DB to follow up. |
Events Date still to be advised for Play Your Way to Wimbledon |
Club House Stock Purchases TS advised that a discussion was in place to have a shop for Alan (Henley Sports) at Club House, sale of Balls, dampeners, grips, etc. TS to follow up. |
Club Keys It was agreed that we need to full new batches. One as a backup and one to be held by John T. The back-up could be held by local resident. JT to follow up. |
Club Accounts Mike advised new version due to 2022/2023 figures not in correct boxes. John T to send excel version to me, new version to be posted on to the club blog. JT / CM to follow up. |
Communication Task
Teams 5 teams in the summer, 2 oxon men, 2 berks men, 1 ladies berks Dominic will captain extra team. Winter league came 4th Div 1. Winter Oxon Div 5 promoted. |
Club Nights Thursday still to go ahead. From Thursday 4th April, 2 courts 1 & 2 initially. Col M to send the message he drafted to Julian for communicating to the membership on how club sessions work. CM to follow up. |
Amazon prime tennis initiative Tom selected to run program, funded by Amazon. Seb Sheldon selected for County Cup. Funding from Tennis Oxfordshire deliver schools festival coaching and Finals Day. |
Special note: Col M suggested that we need to publish all info and questions before the meeting so that we can proceed through the meeting fasted to stick to a one-hour meeting. |
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