Monday, December 13, 2010

Wimbledon Draw Officer


Wimbledon Draw Officer

  • Currently the Wimbledon Ticket Allocation is an automated process. Members have to opt in each year. This role would simply make sure that all members are aware of the process and are helped where necessary.

Time required: No more than a few hours per year.

Ad Hoc Help


Ad Hoc Help

One or more positions that do not have a specific role, but who assist other committee members with their roles and handle issues that may not fall into a particular role.

Publicity Officer

 Publicity Officer

In this role you would be expected to find ways to advertise our club and to regularly post updates via social media and newspapers regarding the club teams and news.

Club Championships Officer


Club Championships Officer

In this role you would form a team to look after all the tournaments in the Club Championships. This would involve invites to participate, setting the schedules, handling the draws, making sure that the matches are being played, organising the Championship Finals Day.

New Members Welcoming Officer


New Members Welcoming Officer

In this role you would be expected to meet with new members to show them around the club and explain how the club works in all aspects, e.g. club nights, booking process, ball machine booking and use, club championships, team opportunities.

Court Bookings Manager


Court Bookings Manager

In this role you would be the person to make sure that the courts are booked out for coaching, team matches, club nights and any other events.

Fund Appropriation Officer


Fund Appropriation Officer

This is a new role and initiative at the club. The person taking on this role would seek out opportunities for funding from the state, local council, county council and private local companies.

Social Secretary


Social Secretary

This is a vital Committee role and therefore we are looking for someone who can make it there own, with the aim of running initiatives and social activities that members would enjoy and help them meet others at the club. 

Communications Officer

Communications Officer

Sits on the committee and is responsible for the club’s website, social media and other communications with the public.

The Communications Officer should also help promote the club using digital tools and social media, and where possible support other members of the committee when aware of technology that could improve processes.  

Knowledge that might be useful?

Competent computer user

Knowledge of WhatsApp, Facebook, 

Able to learn how to use the clubs Administration Tool, (Club Spark)

Health and Safety Officer


Health and Safety Officer

  • Ensuring that members and guests are aware of safety procedures

  • Ensuring that all its premises fixtures and fittings are maintained in good repair and safe working order

  • Establishing that all equipment used are suitable for the task and are kept in good working condition, this includes the regular servicing and maintenance

  • Providing adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to ensure that events are conducted safely

  • Taking immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and rectify any risks to health and safety arising

  • Bringing to the prompt attention of the club’s management any health and safety issue that requires their attention

  • Ensuring that all accidents and "near misses" are properly recorded and reported and that an investigation is carried out to determine causal factors

  • Maintaining safe access and egress to the club building at all times
    Close liaison must be established between the Club and any event organiser whether tennis or
    non-tennis oriented in dealing with particular areas of any specific health and safety issues.

  • Upkeep of First Aid Kit. Ensuring stocked and in date.

  • Ensuring a first-aid kit and an inventory of supplies that is always kept available at all times.

  • Upkeep of defibrillator.

Welfare officer

Welfare officer

The Welfare Officer is responsible for promoting safeguarding within their venue and working with others to ensure a safe and inclusive environment is achieved. The Welfare Officer must not be a member of the venue’s coaching team and should not be related to a member of the coaching team (for example, their spouse). The Welfare Officer should be someone over the age of 18.

Main Duties:

• Work with others in the club to promote safeguarding, diversity and inclusion and ensure compliance with the LTA’s minimum standards for venue registration

• Work with others in the club to ensure safeguarding and diversity and inclusion information, including policies, reporting procedures and details of the venue Welfare Officer are visible and available 

• Work with others in the club to promote the venue’s Code of Conduct(s) 

• Ensure safeguarding and diversity and inclusion is on the agenda at committee meetings 

• Act as the first point of contact for all children and adults where concerns about welfare, discrimination, poor practice or abuse are identified 

• Work with the LTA Safeguarding Team when concerns arise within the venue 

• Maintain contact details for the LTA Safeguarding Team and key statutory agencies

• Contact the Local Authority children’s or adults’ social care teams and the police about concerns where appropriate 

• Work with the LTA Safeguarding Team to facilitate audits of the venue in relation to the minimum standards 

• Work with the Committee/Management and LTA to facilitate the completion of any action plan to address the results of an audit 

• Work with others in the venue to ensure the relevant people at the venue have completed a satisfactory criminal records check Skills and Traits 

• Tactful and discreet 

• Able to resolve conflict 

• Engaging and supportive 

• Approachable and trustworthy 

• Good listener and friendly 

• Caring and understanding 

• Professional and helpful 

• Required for this role – Key relationships 

• Chairperson and management committee 

• Coaches 

• Volunteers at the venue 

• All members – junior and senior, plus parents/carers of junior members

Time Commitment:

• Attendance at key venue events, such as open days and junior competition 

• Attendance at management committee meetings


• Required - Safeguarding and Protection in Tennis (or another course approved by the LTA) 

• Required - Time to Listen 

• Preferable - Yearly updates Criminal Record Check

Membership Secretary


Membership Secretary

Sits on the Committee, helps the club manage and administrate the membership and responds to occasional enquiries. 

Members rely on the club’s website for payment, therefore it is important that the website and payment service remains available throughout the year. 

As the club runs an annual membership from 1 April to 31 March, most of the role of membership secretary is carried out in April when members are renewing. However, new members can join at any time of the year, so the Membership Secretary will need to monitor the club’s email and payment system throughout the year, updating club records and transferring money to club accounts with support  from the Club Treasurer. The membership secretary also supports the Championship Administrator, by ensuring automated forms are available to the membership for entry. 

Knowledge that might be useful?

Competent computer user

Happy learning to use new technologies and tools.

Familiar with Google Apps such as Docs, Sheets and Forms

Time required: Minimum of 4 committee meetings per year, 1 hour per meeting.

Club Secretary


Club Secretary

The secretary is an important elected member of the management committee and handles the basic administration, to ensure the smooth running of the facility.  

  • What makes a good Secretary? 

Methodical and reliable. A good communicator. A good planner. Good organisational skills. Be able to make sure that all club actions have an assigned person. Be a competent computer user 

  • Roles and Responsibilities 

 A key representative at meetings.  Once per year to affiliate the place to play to the LTA. Attending all committee meetings. Taking minutes, (shared job with Chairman). Maintaining accurate records, in cooperation with the membership secretary. Working with the Chairman to collect action points from meetings, making sure they have been assigned, making sure they have a completion date. 

  • Estimated Time Commitment 

 4 management committee meetings per annum, no longer than 1 and a half hours, 1 AGM, ad hoc external discussion on club issues via a computer team collaboration tool, (to be chosen).

  • Key Relationships 

 Coach, Management committee, LTA, County LTA Office

Overview of tasks

  • Attending committee meetings.

  • Recording committee meeting minutes

  • Managing the club’s relationship with the LTA, ensuring that our details are properly recorded and that we remain registered at all times. 

  • Liaising with Welfare Officer, 

  • Managing Clubhouse maintenance contracts

  • Renewing the clubs insurance

  • Helping to maintain links with the local community. 

Time required: Minimum of 4 committee meetings per year, 1 hour per meeting.

AGM 2023 Agenda

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Agenda 2023 Date: 28 June 2023, 7pm Venue: Henley Tennis Club Committee Attendees: Colin Main, Chairman,  Dav...