Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM 2018

Henley Tennis Club [‘the Club’] AGM 2018– final


27 Nov 2018


The Bird in Hand


Colin Main, Chair

Mike Pugsley, Treasurer

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Lesley Watts, Member

Gay Bradbury, Member

Shirley Lees, Member


Andrew Jeremy, Katy Bayly




1.    Apologies

Andrew Jeremy, Katy Bayly.




2.    Approval of 2017 AGM Minutes

Propose:       John Tamplin

Second:        Gay Bradbury



3.    Chairman's Report     

Membership is down from 350 last year to 230 this year.


It is proposed that we will have a membership drive early in the new year to attract new members as well as attempting to get previous members to re-join.


The new lease rewrite is still on going with the Henley College consultants, to account for additional by-back costs and no buy back reduction on-going.


The courts are now re-surfaced and patched. We do have a couple of items outstanding. Some additional work is required on court 4 to address paint issues from weather conditions as the court was being maintained. The Orange court still needs more repairs to make it safe for use.

Other expenditure from 2018 to improve the club is as follows.

              New fences on courts 3, 4, and 5

              3 new benches for courts 3,4,5

              2 new picnic tables for outside club house

              New net posts for courts 3,4,5

              New nets for courts 3,4,5

              Ramp to allow ease of use of ball machine from club house to new path

              New key storage lock for ease of access


Other work that has been carried out at the club to improve the facilities are as follows -

              Weed barrier around all courts.

              Knocking down lumps on courts 1 and 2

              Area behind court 1 in process of being cleared.   

              Pathway started from club house to court 3 to allow ball machine ease of use

              Bin provided for club house


Floodlights update

              We now have 3 quotes

                           Full                      £39,000 +vat £47,000

                           Low level 1        £9,900 +vat £12,000    Poles that need to be elevated

                           Low level 2        £26,000 +vat £31,500  Static lower poles



4.    Treasurers' Report

Adjusting for year-on -year, Subscriptions are down some £3,000 on 2016/17

to around £11,000. This is due primarily to a drop in total membership of about a third.


The £10,000 increase to £16,300 in the costs of Clubhouse, Courts, etc. is mainly due to the £14,200 in year expenditure on the comprehensive upgrade of the three upper courts (with a further £10,500 falling in the current 2018/19 accounting year).


The net effect of the above accounts mainly for a reduction in our Reserves to £46,791 as at 30th September.

Propose:  John Tamplin

Second:   Colin Main


5.    Fees for 2019

Colin Main proposed that membership fees remain the same as we have a healthy balance in the clubs accounts that enable us to install floodlights in 2019 and still have sufficient funds for ad-hoc improvements.

Propose:  John Tamplin

-          Second:   Mike Pugsley


6.    Appointment of Auditor

Propose:  John Tamplin

           Second:   Gay Bradbury


7.    Election of new committee

After a couple of years without a full committee Colin Main can now report that all major posts are filled.

Propose:  John Tamplin

-          Second:   Gay Bradbury




-          9.    AOB       

-          Lesley Watts advised that the fences on court 2 need to be pinned at the bottom as balls are escaping. Colin Main advised he would fix this issue.

-          Colin Main advised that people are leaving rubbish on the courts around the benches. Colin to send a message out to members to take rubbish away, and to look into adding a bin.

-          Colin Main asked if the AGM date could be changed to a warmer month as it might encourage more attendees. Mike Pugsley said that the AGM date was linked to the accounts date and would therefore be problematical to change. Agreed to leave as is for now and think of other ways to increase AGM attendance.

-          Mike Pugsley advised that an additional signatory was required for Santander Bank account as Peter Handley had disappeared. Mike to advise what is required to make it happen.

-          John Tamplin advised that Allen Levy was available again to re-join the committee in some capacity. Colin Main to chat to Allen about the role he would like to play in the club.

-          Shirley Lees thanked the committee for their work in running the club.

-          Caversham Tennis Club are closing. It was proposed that we contact them to see if they had floodlights that could be re-used at our club.

-          Lesley Watts asked if there was anything we could do to make sure that tennis camps did not get cancelled due to low numbers. Colin Main advised that we ran more tennis camps this year than previously and unfortunately the only 2 camps cancelled were the ones that Lesley’s granddaughter was planned to attend.


-          Club Teams

-          Jeremy Wright advised that we now have 2 men’s teams and 1 men’s team in competitive leagues. The men’s side is flourishing and is much easier to get teams out, especially as we are in two separate county leagues. Enabling men to be available for both teams. Colin Main (Ladies Team Captain) reported that we are making progress and are able to field a team most of the time. No wins as yet but progress is being made.


-          Coaching Programs

-          All sessions are still be run. Roughly the same numbers as last year.


-          Coaches

-          We have had additional coaches available this year. Adam Deviliers, and Louise Kilsham (Former British Ladies Number 1). Adam will be leaving at the end of the year to concentrate on another business opportunity. Louise has advised she will no longer be able to run Saturday morning kids coaching due to child care commitments of her own. Coli (Head Coach) will take over the sessions until our new coach, Andy Perry, is qualified.






















Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting 26 Nov 2019


Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting


26 November 2019


The Bird in Hand


Katy Bayly, Secretary

Allen Levy, Social Secretary

Colin Main, Chair

Mike Pugsley, Treasurer

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Claire Smith, Membership Secretary


Jo Saunders, Welfare office; Jeremy Wright, Match Secretary




Actions from last meeting in red



JT to contact council re interest free loan Outstanding




Court 1 gates not shutting properly. Action JT..

Part ordered -arriving 27thNov. JT will fit



Club championship

Finals will be 21Sep for men’s singles/doubles

Mixed doubles / ladies singles / ladies doubles needs to be arranged. Completed



Colin will ask College if they’d be interested in contributing.

Claire to contact Millie’s Dream to investigate sourcing. Sarah contacted – not heard back. With research c. £1400 as needs secure storage outside clubhouse. Depending on which, battery and pads need replacing every c.4-5 years (c. £200). Someone will need to keep eye on expiry dates.

Henley college had reorg. Now don’t do sport on Wednesdays.




Charity status

Is it possible for HTC to have charity status? Colin to investigate. Researched – ambiguous. CM to go to LTA to ask their opinion.



Minutes of 26Nov19



AGM meeting date agreed 3Dec. Announcement to be put on website

An auditor is needed to check finances




Calendar will be set up and put on the website with all regular activities incl. maintenance; insurance; memberships; AGM; auditing etc. All to let CM know anything that needs to be added.



Meeting dates

To be scheduled every 3 months + AGM (Nov/Dec)




Clearance of tree (court 1) and removal of woodland at back of courts 3-5. Heritage Tree Services Ltd (Hugo) provided quotes and will liaise with college and ensure legal.  Committee agreed for them to move forwards. Action JT





Fence between court 1&2 broken

Toilet seat broken

Decking slippery – propose to put non-slip strips down

Glass broken in club-house window

Courts to be jet washed (CM to provide JT info)

Cutlery set

Net straps on courts 3-5 – adjuster breaks easily. 3 net straps that are adjustable on the strap.

Ball machine broken – need a new one. CM to research









LTA registration

Colin completed. Invoice for annual registration received – MP to pay



Carpark passes

Used to have but not received for a number of years. CM to research. In the mean time members to be told to put notice in car – Henley Tennis Club. CM to send email to members to tell them.




Membership fees

Child remains same = £15 8yrs; >8yrs £35

Adults increasing from £67 to £75

Family (max 2 adults 2 children from same address) increasing from £157 to £165

Will be put in AGM minutes and current membership informed.








New version. CM has circulated to Committee for review. Should say minimum of £75,000 should the college not renew lease. Henley college will not give us any additional money for court upgrades etc.



Colin currently injured. Can’t do individual lessons currently. From Feb will not be able to do group lessons either in prep for operation.


Chairman role

End 2020 Colin plans to stepdown. Membership to be given heads-up in advance.


Welfare Officer

Yearly review of role – potential vacancy. Colin to follow-up.




Planning application to South Ox planning (Paul Lucas contact) – pre application advice submitted. Process complete. On basis of info we gave them, they raise no objection to the application in principle. When we put in full planning some areas need further info e.g. ecology wrt lighting report; trees. Action for CM to get in touch with Hugo to write a report.

Potentially need to have ‘bat report’ for top courts – this cant be done until the summer.

Decision to made if application is submitted to cover all 5 courts or to split application - courts 1&2 first and then 3-5 once we have bat report.

Quotes – propose to get 2 quotes from companies that installed for local clubs.

Local residents to be informed of intention to submit application













Next Meeting: AGM = 3 December

Following meeting = 3rd March 2020



AGM 2023 Agenda

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Agenda 2023 Date: 28 June 2023, 7pm Venue: Henley Tennis Club Committee Attendees: Colin Main, Chairman,  Dav...