Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting 22 Jul 2020


Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting


22 July 2020


Henley Tennis Club


Allen Levy, Social Secretary

Colin Main, Chair

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Jo Saunders, Welfare Officer

Jeremy Wright, Match Secretary;

Mike Pugsley, Treasurer;


Claire Smith, Membership Secretary ,Katy Bayly, Secretary





New Head Coach

·       CM read an apology and explanation to the committee on the reason for the approach taken to secure a new Head Coach and the haste required to secure the appointment.

·       CM informed the committee that he would abstain from all coach related voting.

·       CM tabled 2 questions.


Q1: Does the committee want to vote now on the appointment of Tom Scott as Head Coach or defer for more candidates to be vetted.


If the answer to Q1 is a Yes by the committee then proceed with question 2. Otherwise Q2 becomes invalid and we take time to look for other candidates.


Q2: Do we are, as a Committee, vote to have Tom Scott as the new Head Coach.


The committee voted unanimously Yes on Q1.

The committee voted unanimously Yes on Q2.


Jo Saunders voted for KB and CS by proxy.


AL asked for references to be followed up prior to announcement. CM to follow up.


JW asked that Louise Kilshaw, club Coach, be protected from any coach changes at the club. CM to secure assurance from TS.





























·       AL confirmed that Planning Application had been submitted.

·       AL informed that he had not yet arranged a bat report but would do so at the earliest opportunity.

·       Additional though by CM.  Committee to decide at next meeting if we also do a separate planning application for lights on courts, 3, 4, 5 and a cover for court 3.







Saturday, July 18, 2020

Club Sessions Return! and other news

Club Sessions News: 

At last we can play together! Still keeping distance and don't forget to wash those hands afterwards. Club sessions are back from tomorrow Sunday 19th July, 10:30am to 1pm. Followed by Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, 6pm to 9pm. Team practice night will resume from Wednesday 22nd July, 6pm- 8pm. We do have a lot of new members and I expect some will be joining club sessions for the first time. Let's make them feel really welcome and help them mix in.

Club House:
The club house has been cleaned and is available for toilet use, hand washing and thirst quenching water . The club house will be cleaned every week.

Coaching News:
Apologies to those members still waiting for coaching slots. The coaches are extremely busy due to an unprecedented number of coaching requests. We are recruiting and should have someone on board soon to offer more private sessions, as well as Summer Kids Camps, Kids Weekly Group sessions, and Adult Group sessions.

Latest News
All the latest information can be found on the web site under Latest . Please do check this at least once a week to see if there is newer information.

Stay safe,

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Club Sessions Return! Club House Open, and ......

Club sessions will resume this Sunday, from 10:30, then Tuesday, and Thursdays from 6pm. Team night to resume from next Monday  from 6pm.  

The Club house has been cleaned and is now open for toilet facilities and drinking water only. Please still take care.

Lot's more news to follow shortly, re, lease, floodlights, college planning application for housing on the fields (arghhhh!), and much more. Most information will be found in the soon to be published Committee Meeting Minutes of the 15th July, 2020.

N.B. If you open any of the combination and bike lock side gates please lock them again when you leave. We are finding too many left open.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting 15 Jul 2020


Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] Committee Meeting


15 July 2020


Henley Tennis Club


Katy Bayly, Secretary

Allen Levy, Social Secretary

Colin Main, Chair

John Tamplin, Facilities Manager

Jo Saunders, Welfare Officer


Jeremy Wright, Match Secretary; Mike Pugsley, Treasurer; Claire Smith, Membership Secretary




Current membership = 255


Club house

·       Now open. It’s been cleaned and will be cleaned weekly from now on

·       Toilet seat repaired

·       Broken window at clubhouse to be fixed. ACTION JT





Court Maintenance

·       New bench has been installed on court 5

·       New nets have been put up

·       2m worth trees have been cut back along-side of courts 3-5

·       There is a tree causing root damage on court 1. Hugo was going to get permission to remove tree.

·       Fences on Courts 1&2 need repairing. ACTION JT

·       There has been a request to repaint /patch courts 1& 2. Committee agreed it would be better to wait until after floodlights have been installed, at which point it might be better to resurface instead. Courts 3-5 have recently been done, so are in good condition for matches. On hold until floodlights installed.








Club sessions

Committee agreed to start club sessions from Sunday 19th as now permitted by LTA


Junior Shed

Proposal to move the shed to behind new clubhouse to free up space for junior court. Was moved ‘by hand’ last time. To be looked into


Club Championships

Championship to go ahead. Rob Dickie to be asked if he’ll organise. ACTION CM. Can run until after September into the Autumn given the late start.



Their facilities are still not open but are planned to be by end July. Fees to be collected from them when they leave.



·       Amendment still ongoing. Solicitor now representing the HTC. Lease has break clause March 2022

·       CM following up.  



First aid kit audit

·       Audit needed – CM will ask Claire if she can do this (action CM/CS)

·       Defibrillator ready to be ordered. Waiting on cheque.



Dance class

HTC has been approached to use junior court for a few hours dance lessons. Colin to follow up.



Welfare officer

Jo happy to continue. Colin has added all links to website. Jo will check website to ensure all are there.

HTC to ensure coaches have requisite certificates. LTA require all certifcations for registration.  Jo will check (and document) that coaches are LTA registered and therefore have all certificates/training required.





LTA initiative to open to non-members during lock-down.

Currently being offered for free.

Committee believe should be a charge now. £10 /hr agreed.



Colin working on succession plan for number of years. 3 coaches trained in consecutive years and they have left.

2 options being looked at

-          Bisham – Pros: benefits of company, back-ups available. Cons: more expensive

-          Tom Scott (individual) has provided proposal.

Committee to review T Scott’s proposal. ACTION ALL









·       Planning application will be submitted online for courts 1&2 on 21July (ACTION AL).

·       Bat survey quotes previously received. Committee agreed to complete survey at risk (of council not requiring it), as the window for opportunity this year is closing so we don’t want to risk missing it for another year. ACTION AL







·       HTC to write formal email to College Principle to try to get some clarity. Cc to Corporation Secretary- (to send on to College Board of Governors as unlikely to be Governors meeting until Jan 2021)

·       Colin been in touch with Council (Ashok Patel)– they will organise meeting between HTC, College and Council.




Colin to check with Mike re insurance (due Mid Aug). Post meeting- KB spoke to Mike on 19July-  he will organise for the insurance to be renewed.



AGM 2023 Agenda

Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM Agenda 2023 Date: 28 June 2023, 7pm Venue: Henley Tennis Club Committee Attendees: Colin Main, Chairman,  Dav...