Henley Tennis Club [‘HTC’] AGM 2022
Date: 13 December 2022
Venue: Saracens Head
Colin Main, Chairman, Welfare Officer, Membership Secretary
Mike Pugsley, Treasurer
John Tamplin, Facilities Manager
Jeremy Wright, Team Captain
Tom Scott, Head Coach
Allen Levy, Social Secretary
Apologies for Absence
Claire Smith, Health and Safety Officer, Resigned
Katy Bayly, Secretary, Resigned
Other Attendees: 5
Fred Clifford
Dan Barr
Bill Owen
Levi McAndrew-Brown
Rob Dickie
AGM Agenda
Apologies for Absence
Approval of 2021 Minutes of A.G.M. held on Previous Year
Chairman's Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Appointment of Auditor
Constitution changes
Election of Office Bearers
Committee Members
Health and Safety
Team Updates
AOB (Members questions(
AGM Minutes:
Approval of 2022 Minutes of A.G.M. held on Previous Year
Proposed: Tom Scott
Seconded: Rob Dickie
Chairman's Report: C Main
Good evening and thank you to all who are attending.
This is the Chairman’s Report for 2022.
Overall, this has been a very good year on deliveries.
Eventually after at least 8 years of trying we have installed floodlights. Special thanks to John Tamplin, Allen Levy and our consultant Lee West.
We also resurfaced courts 1 and 2 and improved access to those courts via a separate gate and improved fencing.
Our relationship with the college is favourable and the indications are they intend to keep the fields as sports so I am relatively confident that we will be at this venue until the end of the lease, i.e. no buy back envisaged.
However, as we really only have about 9 years left of the current lease. This means that in 4 years time will need to start discussions on extensions and start preparations for a fall back plan in the event the college will not give a new lease.
Membership is still strong, although about 100 down on last year. Our Head Coach Tom Scott is a major reason for the continued success on membership numbers.
The club finances are still very good considering the outgoings on floodlights and resurfacing.
We have a 10 year plan of incoming and outgoings that show we will be tight on finances over the next 3 years but then start to improve rapidly, as long as membership numbers remain stable.
Fees will be going up in 2023, and rising year on year. The increases are going to be small and will not affect Family Memberships too much. Fees to be announced shortly.
We will continue to be the most affordable tennis club in the area and will continue to offer the most affordable Family Membership.
I would like to thank all the Committee for their support over the past year.
We are losing 2 Committee Members in vital roles, Katy Bayly, Club Secretary, and Claire Smith, Health and Safety Officer.
We already have a proposal for Club Secretary.
Apart from Health and Safety we also have many other roles at the committee and the club to help the committee to run the club with a good strong membership mandate.
These positions and what they entail can be found on our blog, accessed directly or from the web site.
I would like to thank the following people who help run our club –
All of the committee for their work and attendance at meetings
Thanks to the team Captains for looking after our competitive sides, Jeremy Wright, Jess Craig, Natalie Wakefield, Robert Dickie, Levi McAndew Brown.
Thanks to all the men and ladies who turn out for our very competitive Teams.
Thanks to our Head Coach who ran this year's Club Championship and has continued to provide excellent coaching opportunities for all ages. We are truly lucky to have someone who is so dedicated, proactive and inventive in all aspects of the coaching programs. Tom also works incredibly hard with the committee, behind the scenes on various projects and initiatives.
Also, thanks to Tom’s wife, Jess for her help at the club championships finals day, where there was a fantastic selection of food and drinks on offer.
I apologise if I have missed anyone.
This year I decided to retire from my Coaching Duties. I am very hopeful that we will still have adequate Coaching cover as Levi McAndrew Brown should have completed his Level 2 this year.
I would like to stress again that we are desperate to have more people active on the committee and very open to any feedback or new ideas and proposals.
Please do get in touch.
That concludes the end of year report.
Thank you all.
Secretary’s Report:
Finances – Mike Pugsley
The finances of the club are strong.
£8000 up on 2 years ago.
See accounts for full details.
Approval of Accounts:
Proposed: C Main
Seconded: J Tamplin
Appointment of Auditor
Constitution changes
None proposed.
Re:Election of Office Bearers and Committee
Request for any nominees? Dan Barr-Membership, Fred Clifford-Secretary
Chairman - Col Main
Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Mike Pugsley
Health and Safety - Vacant
Maintenance - John Tamplin
Team Captain - Jeremy Wright
Welfare Officer - Col Main
Social Officer - Allen Levy
Membership Secretary - Col Main
Approval of:
Proposed: All members present
Seconded: All members present
9.1 Maintenance – John Tamplin
9.2 Coaching – Tom Scott Head Coach – Henley Tennis Club
Thank you to all the Members of Henley Tennis Club for another successful year. We have collectively made the club into a great thriving community. It has been a pleasure to be able to deliver and grow the coaching program as well as creating other projects to establish the club within the community and the county. I also wish to thank all members who nominated me for the Coach of the Year which lead to me receiving the prestigious Development Coach of the Year award. 2023 is already looking to be a great year
Main highlights:
FLOODLIGHTS Now able to offer and all year round coaching program....Apart from snow!!
Henley Tennis Club is becoming recognised in Tennis Oxfordshire and have been targeted to establish growth in this part of the county.
BIG focus in 2023 from the whole club to improving our ladies teams and based on club feedback to make sessions more inclusive.
Junior group program grown from 98 to 122 active players. This excludes the Holiday Camps. Growth phase over 2023 look to sustain and establish a strong development pathway. Of the 5 player who are in county system one player won the 8U county champions, 3 represent county in county cups and 1 is top in county for their age.
Delivered Jubilee Family Doubles 15 doubles pairs attended and Final Day 50% increase in numbers all adult competition completed including the first Vets Doubles. In 2023 Introduce LTA Graded Junior Competition and deliver the Junior Club Championships to hold finals on ‘Finals Day’
Growth of School Links - 4 schools participated in Henley Inter-School Tennis Festival 10 hours coaching to 336 children 72 children attended the finals day at Henley Tennis Club. Look to grow by establishing links in independent schools for 2023.
Re-Developed Monday Team Night now with floodlights session 1 reduced to 1 hour with coaching popular over summer months now seemingly a decline in numbers regularly 4 participants of a possible 8-10. Session 2 has proved popular regularly achieving 8 players shows the strength in our teams especially the Mens.
3 new LTA Tennis Leaders have been successful in achieving the award another course planned for February half term.
Levi has been a valuable asset to the club and coaching program and is now in the final stages of doing his Level 2. Assistants Flo Wakeley and Tom Francis have shown great potential with there coaching. Tom has also represented the Mens Berkshire Team.
Off the back of Move Together Fund we were able to offer 6 places to children on Free School Meals to take part in holiday camps.
Adult Program
2020 active group coaching numbers - 38
Current active group coaching numbers - 28 winter / 40 summer
Monday Team Night
The main target was more players and strength in team play the Men’s Team nights have again been very popular however we need a real focus on Womens teams.
Regularly getting 8 players per week for the second session now 7pm-9pm. We have not had to use Cressex now the floodlights are in place however recent weather conditions has limited the numbers or sessions cancelled. Club Captain Jeremy will update further however the teams have been very successful.
Once again I have continued to work tirelessly with Women’sCaptain Natalie Wakefield to improve the play at the club. We continue to strive to roll out a regular team for the fixtures and although the team picked up their first win in the summer there is plenty of work still to be done.
Club Night Classes
The evening classes on a Tuesday have declined and now not going ahead however we will try again in the summer of 2023. Through Move together (Oxfordshire) I was able to introduce 12 new members to the game and receive coaching. All players are still playing however with reduced courts in the winter these sessions are not going ahead. The active group report is now split to winter and summer for this reason.
Mid-week morning classes
Thursday morning classes continue to be successful now with a beginners group followed by an intermediate group. These are regular sessions most of the groups are now participating in the morning mix in sessions arranged by Anne Ducker and Judith Whittaker.
Now the floodlights are in place and the Team nights are successful as wanted to in the plan for 2022. In 2023, I would like to see more sustainability and would hope to see players coming through the framework we have created. From coaching sessions to club play to team play.
We will continue the progress made in 2022 and introduce more organic methods through competition between the group classes and various internal events Between myself and club captains there really needs to be a collective club focus on our Ladies players and teams for 2023!
2020 active group coaching numbers - 98
Current active group coaching numbers (excluding holiday camps)- 122 Development groups
2022 was overall a very good year building on a somewhat stop start 2020 and 2021. The afterschool program was reduced until the floodlights opened in April/May where a full launch of the first all year round program. Over the year we have seen a rise to 122 active Juniors from 98 in 2021. With these numbers I do not see the figure growing (other than Red groups) in 2023 and instead the aim is to maintain figure and develop the crop of Juniors we have.
Off the back of the Wednesday Team Training we have continued to develop our 5 children in county squads with 1 winning the 8U county championships, 3 making representation in county fixtures. One of our county players is now an established county player.
In 2023, I will look to host Junior competitions to the program as well as introducing a Red level Team training session. This will complete the vision of a team ‘buddy’ system. Finally, now the adult club championships are in a strong place I aim to introduce and deliver the Junior Club Championship and hold finals on Finals day.
Holiday Camps
There are now steady numbers after an up and down 2021. In 2022 there was an average of 48 children per week. The Themes of each camp are now established and no reason to change. The up and coming Christmas Camps have been branded as Dro and Shop to encourage parents to shop locally this year. To help with this I have established links with local shops to offer either a discount or a gift for purchases.
In 2023, I intend to grow the camps with extended timings and also look to offer a more advanced group and to encourage older children/teens to participate.
2022 was a busy year for schools. Delivering to all 4 primary schools throughout the summer term. Tom approached the council with a new project and received a grant to deliver 10 hours of coaching to school years 3, 4 and 5 and finish with a finals day at the club. The event is called Henley Inter- Schools Tennis Festival. The finals day was postponed due to extreme heat in the summer and was delivered last month in November. A total of 336 children received coaching with 72 children attending the finals day. Valley Road came out winners. This was partly down to the majority of children tend coaching at the club.
Children from local secondary schools are also assisting on the program as part of DofE I hope this will also assist in developing links with these schools.
In 2023, I look to run the Festival again with a few minor tweaks. As well as this I now wish to develop links with the independent schools.
This year we have offered free coaching for children who are on free school meals this has been well received and look to do more in 2023.
Coach Development
Levi has completed his Level 1 with distinction grade which is outstanding and a testament to his hard work and quality as a new coach. Two assistants Tom and Flo have been growing into great coaches and when they in 16 in 2023 we will look to mentor them through their Level 1 for which they have been saving. There have been a number of extra helpers from students wishing to use Tennis Coaching as part of the Skills section of DofE. This has been very beneficial and one we can promote further. Tom has also lead another Tennis Leaders for 3 children and in 2023 will look to deliver two more courses. Also in 2023, I will be looking to introduce a new coach to the team in part time form until more courts are floodlit where a coach can earn a full time income which two courts will not have capacity for.
As part of the LTA License I/Tom continue to gain credits for his yearly Accreditation. Through learning, including mentorship with the likes of Matt Little (Andy Murrays Strength and conditioning coach) and other leading coaches. Tom is also looking to do the LTAs top qualification Level 5 when the next course listed.
9.3 Health and Safety - Vacant
9.4 Teams – Jeremy Wright – Team Captain
Henley tennis teams have had another great year of tennis. Competing in the Oxfordshire and Berkshire leagues during the winter 21/22 and summer 2022.
Over this winter 22/23 we have added an extra men's team to Oxfordshire, which so far has proved very popular, and brings the total number of teams competing to 4. The men's A team now competes in Oxfordshire Division 1 (playing with the big boys!) and we have another Oxfordshire team in Div 5 for fringe A players and development. In Berkshire, we have 1 men's and 1 women's team.
Recently we reached a new high, with 12 men's players competing over 1 weekend and with 2 subs...a far cry from 7 years ago when we struggled to get 4 out in a weekend!
Over the winter 21/22 we had 2 men's teams competing, finishing 4th in Oxfordshire Divison 2 and 5th in Berks Div 6 East
Over the summer 22 we had 3 teams competing, 1 in Oxfordshire div 4 finishing 1st, and 2 teams, one woman's and 1 men's, in Berkshire.
9.5 Membership - Col Main
Another successful year with good membership numbers.
13. AOB (Members questions)
14. Closure
Thank you all for coming.
We look forward to another successful year.